Roller Wheel for Training

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Roller Wheel for Training

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Proin id nisl semper, elementum lacus vel, egestas nunc. Praesent id libero lacinia, tincidunt sapien et, ullamcorper mi. Aliquam auctor luctus ex eget tincidunt. Donec maximus bibendum lorem eget cursus. Suspendisse vulputate fringilla metus eget maximus. Integer consequat arcu dolor, mollis mollis tellus auctor a. Etiam in quam lacus. Donec odio turpis, venenatis mollis bibendum quis, sodales vitae nisi. Cras nec nisi elementum felis vulputate rutrum.

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Get a Flat, Toned Tummy in No Time: This premium core strengthening wheel helps build and tone your abs, arms & back. Effectively work out your core at home, the gym, or the office!
Wider Wheel for Added Stability: Our wheel is 2” thick, while other brands are half that size! This gives you superior stability, allowing unrestricted movement for a more intense workout
Comfortable Grips: Ergonomically designed grips prevent discomfort in your hands, so you can give 110% to every workout. Removable handles allow for compact storage and easy transport.

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